Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sweet and Cold

This morning I woke up and sat outside at The Bean Exchange with my journal and a cup of coffee. And I went to Headhouse Market-- which boasts the most breathtaking display of locally grown organic produce in the entire Northeast. They must have a coach; some sort of expert that trains them how to arrange those tomatoes and kale. I bought two plums because I recently read a poem about plums titled "this is just to say:"

I have eaten 
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which 
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold.

I am using the poem to teach imagery. I ate one of my plums on the way home and was not disappointed; it was both sweet and cold. 

All the city's pretty surprises this morning serve as a stark contrast to my gloomy week. On Thursday Donte kicked a chair again and again into one of my special needs students who had fallen on the floor. I lost it. Trembling, I yelled, "Get out of my room! I am disgusted by your actions! You are not welcome in here!" All day I fumed and cried over the inhumanity of humanity. Since then, God has moved my heart towards mercy. I wonder at what kind of past experiences motivates a child to act in such a way.

All the ugliness of the week included, today is still beautiful. And I am glad for it. Here is a picture of the market I took last year. It's the same today, except for the melons. 


1 comment:

SReidA said...

Wow. (Just found out you had a blog, too.)