Wednesday, October 14, 2009

still got it, baby!

Two summers ago i had one major concern about teaching in the rough and tumble of the Philadelphia school system: I didn't want to lose my "soft edges."
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Today there were three fights in my classroom. Three. Every class had one. So I called security three times today. And three times I gave a stern lecture about fighting in the classroom (I sing a similar song after every fight... though no one seems to be moved) 

I don't try to break up the 8th grade fights. Most of the 7th graders are still small enough that I have a height advantage. For example, last week I dragged Rashan out of the classroom by his leg. But the 8th graders are either too big for me, or too vicious. So I steer clear and try to direct one of my other students to "Get Antoine!" or "Grab Anthony and walk him down to the office!" Of course, none of the boys hear me because their adrenaline is pound, pound, pounding away in their ears and fists. 

After fight #2 today, I launched into my lecture. Students were mostly silent as I explained consequences and why I was disappointed. Then the criticism came.

Kyhleil to me: You didn't even try to break it up! You just stood there!
Me: Kyhleil, would you encourage your mother to get in the middle of a fight?
[Kyhleil considers my question]
Allure: Ms. Linton isn't going to get in the middle, y'all. She's too... soft.
_ _ _ _ _

I was a little insulted. (Why?) I think because I knew she meant it as an insult. I have decided not to take it as one, though. For now I'll take it as a point of pride (or the grace of God) that my "soft edges" have not been entirely roughed up by the fists of Harrity. 

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